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About Us

Allen Eiry Center is a social organization that promotes and provides activities for those 50 and older in and around our community. We provide quality programs for your health, educational, social and recreational interests. The Allen Eiry Center is a private, non-profit organization funded by Tiffin-Seneca United Way, The Columbus Foundation, membership dues, grants, special events and friends of the organization.

United Way

We are proud to be a primary agency with the Tiffin Seneca United Way

Along with the twenty other partner agencies, Tiffin Seneca United Way works to:


Help children reach their potential in school and in life.


Assist individuals and families to become more financially stable so they may take care of themselves and their families.

Promote Health

Promote healthy living and affordable healthcare.

Offer Safety

Offer safety net services for those times when people are most vulnerable.

Please Share

Please share the word about United Way and inspire others to care. Encourage participation and consider making a donation during the next campaign season. Every dollar will help us make a difference, and make a greater impact on our community and the lives of our community members.

Thank you!

Thank you for helping us to make a difference right here where we live!

President ~ Paul Burtis
Vice-President ~ Dale Thornton

Secretary ~ Fran Andersons

Treasurer ~ Larry Baker

Michelle Dantuono
Kathy Ferguson

Robert Grothaus
Tom Renninger
Sharon Scifers
Beth Schweitzer
Phyllis Watts
John Willman
Roland Zimmerman
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